Memory management in long-lived Symfony commands

Memory management in long-lived Symfony commands

Here are some of the things I think are useful to keep memory usage under control in Symfony commands that process large databases.


Two naive approaches to looping over all contents of a database would be:

Using batching allows having a somewhat low and stable memory footprint while reducing network overhead. With batching, I select rows 100 by 100 (or 1000 by 100, or whatever fits your use case) and run the migration on each batch. It might look something like this in PHP:

$batchSize = 100;

// SQL's "OFFSET" tends to be slow on large tables. A faster approach is to select rows ordered by ID
// and to set a minimum ID with a "WHERE" clause. Something like:
//     SELECT * FROM user WHERE id > :minimumId ORDER BY id ASC
// This achieves the effect of an "OFFSET" but is significantly faster.
$minimumId = 0;

do {
    $batch = getBatchOfUsersOrderedById($batchSize);
    $batchCount = count($batch);
    $minimumId = $batch[$batchCount - 1]->getId();
    if ($batchCount > 0) {
        foreach ($batch as $user) {
            // ...
} while ($batchCount === $batchSize);

Putting the main loop’s body inside a separate method

PHP automatically clears memory of variables that go out of scope, somewhat like what C does with its stack variables. Any variable that is created in a function is cleared once the function ends. To allow PHP to clear more memory, I put the main loop’s content inside a separate method. It looks something like this:

$batchSize = 100;
$minimumId = 0;

do {
    list($batchCount, $minimumId) = $this->runOneBatch($batchSize, $minimumId);
} while ($batchCount === $batchSize);

And in a separate method named runOneBatch:

function runOneBatch(int $batchSize, int $minimumId): array {
    $batch = getBatchOfUsersOrderedById($batchSize);
    $batchCount = count($batch);
    $minimumId = $batch[$batchCount - 1]->getId();
    if ($batchCount > 0) {
        foreach ($batch as $user) {
            // ...
    return [$batchCount, $minimumId];

Marking unused variables as collectable by garbage collection

In PHP, variables are garbage collected, which means that I usually don’t have to manage the memory they use manually. Instead, PHP handles memory management automatically. This works well most of the time. But for long-running tasks, it has its limits. Because PHP does not always know that a variable has become useless, it keeps it in memory just in case. This increases memory usage.

To tell PHP that a variable has become useless, I set it to null and unset() it:

$users = loadLotsOfUsersFromMysql();

// ... do some stuff with the users ...

$users = null;

Triggering garbage collection

PHP’s garbage collector uses heuristics to figure out when the best time is to remove unused variables from memory. In long-running tasks, I find it useful to manually trigger a GC cycle:


Clearing Doctrine’s entity manager

Internally, Doctrine, Symfony’s ORM, keeps a reference of each entity it has loaded into memory, unless I explicitly tell it to drop the reference. To keep memory usage down, I like to clear the entity manager, which will remove references to all entities currently known to Doctrine:

/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface $em */
$em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();

SQL logging

The SQL logger of Doctrine that is enabled in Symfony by default and can be a source of memory leaks during long-lived commands. I usually disable the SQL logger in configuration or with something like this:

/** @var \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection */
$connection = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getConnection();

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